Monday, July 19, 2010

Eat Pray Love // Explore Learn Love

I have a belief that the best books are those that are recommended to you by friends, or have great covers. The first rule holds true for all of my favorite books but one, and the book that changed my life is the one with the awesome cover. This book with the amazing cover is Pop Salvation by Lance Reynald. The other list includes in no order I Am Charlotte Simmons, by Tom Wolfe, A Hole in the World by Sid Hite, Walk Two Moons by Sharon Creech, To Kill a Mocking Bird, Their Eyes Were Watching God, and The Missing Piece Meets the Big O by Shel Silverstein. I like my books to be like my movies, I want them to make me think, to impact me in someway, or to make me greater appreciate some aspect of my life. I bought a book today that I feel will fill all three of the requirements... Eat Pray Love by Elizabeth Gilbert. The book was recommended by Matt and seeing as he and I have way too many similarities I think I will like it. In fact I have already fallen quite hard for it, and would much rather be reading it right now instead of typing this.... but, the book is actually part of a journey I am on to fully understand myself and where I want to go. While I won't be taking a year to travel the world, or am I recently divorced, I am in search of my own three things... Explore Learn Love....and of course Food is always a given! So

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